Visionaries, Pioneers and Leaders of the New Era
Welcome to the Golden Circle - a space for people to come together at a deep, holistic level of consciousness. This is where those coming together, who have realised how important it is to take action NOW to bring real change in their lives and to this world.

Dornbirn, Austria
In the Golden Circle we weave a holistic business network for people who are ready to act beyond the conventional structures - outside the matrix and within the divine order. Together we create an atmosphere that supports us to let go of old, low-frequency patterns and energies and elevate ourselves to a higher, more powerful level.
Our work is described by the principles of the turquoise meme from Spiral Dynamics - a model that describes how we can evolve as individuals and as a society.
The golden circle is a place where we trust each other and watch as we unfold our full potential and remember our true selves even more deeply.
We represent a field of learning and integration of an advanced level of human development characterised by holistic thinking, global consciousness and a deep state of communion with the entire ecosystem of the earth. This level goes beyond individual and collective interests and strives for an integral view in which everything is interconnected.
If you are ready to connect with like-minded people and grow exponentially, then this is the perfect place for you. Immerse yourself in the transformative energy of the Golden Circle and experience how we can work together to create positive change in our lives and in this world.
Network and Community of the New Era
In this state of consciousness, we are entering a new era of humanity - an era characterised by a deep understanding of the interconnectedness and interdependence of all life. In this new era, we recognise that true growth and sustainable development can only be achieved in community and through cooperation.
A network of the new age is more than just a collection of individuals or organisations. It is a living, breathing system in which every voice counts and every action has far-radiating effects. It is a place where people who transcend their personal egos and focus on the good of the whole come together. They share the awareness that we are part of a larger, global and cosmic whole.
These communities at this particular stage are not only focussed on achieving short-term goals. They strive for a harmonious balance that focusses on the well-being of the entire planet and all its inhabitants. They combine scientific knowledge with spiritual wisdom to find solutions that are both sustainable and holistic.
Our network fosters a deep respect for the diversity of cultures, perspectives and experiences. It is about learning from each other, growing together and shaping a future that takes into account all aspects of life - from nature to the subtle levels of consciousness. Here, spaces are created where creative ideas flow, innovation is encouraged and every form of being is welcome.
The community of the new age acknowledges the need to leave old, outdated structures behind. In it's place comes a new order based on the principles of wholeness, ecological responsibility and spiritual union. This is a network that is not only aimed at success and progress, but at the well-being of all- a network that moves in harmony with natural rhythms and the divine order.
This stage is about creating a culture of sharing, compassion and deep mutual support. Here, the potential of each individual is identified and nurtured to co-create a world based on love, awareness and the state of union.
The New Age network and community are a beacon of hope in a world searching for new ways of being and doing. They are the expression of a humanity that has recognised its responsibility and is ready to live in harmony with the earth and the cosmos. It is a movement towards a collective awakening that transcends the boundaries of the individual and celebrates unity in diversity.
If you would like to join, get in contact with Karin +41 76 323 80 16.