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Together we Rise

Join the Movement

Rise in awareness, raise our own consciousness, be of service to those around us and facilitate the transition to Heaven on Earth.


As we journey through countless synchronicities, this song stands as one of them. Created by Kaya Lumina and nurtured alongside the Rise community, it embodies the essence of rising together. Listen now and feel the power of unity woven into every note.

Together We Rise Kaya Lumina
00:00 / 07:23

Our Purpose

To cultivate a loving and aware global community, nurturing a deeper connection with ourselves, each other, and the Earth.

“We grow together through thriving and mastering excellence”


Our Mission

We connect and empower the global family of awakening individuals, creating spaces for individual and collective growth, and facilitating real-life experiences that elevate consciousness and promote unity.

"Do you also believe we can change the world together?


Our Vision

An internationally connected, conscious, and creative global society, living in alignment with Truth and in harmony with the Earth.

Upcoming Events

We host and join gatherings worldwide to explore the RISE beliefs and embrace the new paradigm, living our purpose at these events. Stay informed about our upcoming gatherings.


Recap 2023

Welcome to a brief yet vibrant recap of our unforgettable conventions in Bali and Ibiza 2023. Join us as we reminisce about the moments that brought us closer and inspired us all.

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Rise Community Meetup Ibiza - Aftermovie

Rise Community Meetup Ibiza - Aftermovie

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Aftermovie - A Taste of Community Bali 2023

Aftermovie - A Taste of Community Bali 2023

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Workshops and Activities - Rise Meetup Ibiza 2023

Workshops and Activities - Rise Meetup Ibiza 2023

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